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Produces electrosurgical generators, bipolar coagulators and argon plasma coagulators for the medical and dentistry areas
Products Summary

About Deltronix

Number of Employees: 20-99
Year of Establishment: 1970
Produces electrosurgical generators, bipolar coagulators and argon plasma coagulators for the medical and dentistry areas

Recently updated

Transport Unit

The UT-602 transport unit is built of steel and aluminum with finishing in electrostatic painting of high resistance to provide protection against corrosion. The lightweight and easy to clean system also has a large rotation system of plastic and rubber and is meant for all kinds of equipment.
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Smoke Evacuator

The VS7001 is a smoke evacuator for removing vapors produced during the use of electrosurgery generator, cautery or the laser generator. It comes with standard accessories, including filter ULPA, outlet filter adapter, silicon hose, and footswitch.
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Electrosurgical Generator

The Precision is designed for low-, mid-, and high-complexity surgery, allowing for a range of uses. Cutting and coagulating in wet field also allows for endoscopic resection, and storage memory for up to 120 editable and non-volatile different procedures is also available.
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Hospital Infrastructure

Transport Unit

The UT-602 transport unit is built of steel and aluminum with finishing in electrostatic painting of high resistance to provide protection against corrosion. The lightweight and easy to clean system also has a large rotation system of plastic and rubber and is meant for all kinds of equipment.
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Smoke Evacuator

The VS7001 is a smoke evacuator for removing vapors produced during the use of electrosurgery generator, cautery or the laser generator. It comes with standard accessories, including filter ULPA, outlet filter adapter, silicon hose, and footswitch.
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Electrosurgical Generator

The Precision is designed for low-, mid-, and high-complexity surgery, allowing for a range of uses. Cutting and coagulating in wet field also allows for endoscopic resection, and storage memory for up to 120 editable and non-volatile different procedures is also available.
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