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Manufactures ultrasound scanners, including colour Doppler scanners, ultrasonic biometrics scanners for ophthalmology and portable bladder volume ultrasound scannersfor non-invasive bladder volume contents measurement, basic exams urinary organs and tracts measurement
Products Summary

About Echo-Son

Number of Employees: 20-99
Year of Establishment: 1993
Manufactures ultrasound scanners, including colour Doppler scanners, ultrasonic biometrics scanners for ophthalmology and portable bladder volume ultrasound scannersfor non-invasive bladder volume contents measurement, basic exams urinary organs and tracts measurement

Recently updated

Portable Bladder Ultrasound Scanner

The PINIT portable bladder ultrasound scanner is designed for carrying out non-invasive bladder volume content measurement, basic exams and urinary organs and tracts measurement. It provides volume and anatomic measurement of organs such as kidneys, papilloma, testes, prostate gland, etc., and features easy and convenient touch-screen operations for measurement and control.
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Ultrasound System

The SPINEL II universal ultrasound system features multi-frequency ultrasound probes from 2 MHz to 15 MHz and offers multi-operating diagnostic modes, such as 2D, B+B, 4B, ZOOM, M, 2D+M. 2D+PW (Pulse Wave Doppler; Color Doppler: 2D+CF (Color Flow); and 2D+ PF (Power Flow). It comes with a full HD panoramic 21.5-inch LED monitor, functional desktop and alphanumeric keyboard on drawer system and is suitable for a wide range of applications.
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Portable Ultrasound Scanner

The EPIDOT SC portable ultrasound scanner features integrated multi-frequency probes from 2 MHz to 15 MHz, supported by multiple operating modes, including B, M, PW Doppler, color Doppler and power Doppler. It comes with a 15-inch high-resolution flat LCD monitor with touch screen, and a remote controller for operating basic functions from a distance, making it idle for use in emergency and treatment rooms as well as during standard ultrasound exams.
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Medical Imaging

Portable Bladder Ultrasound Scanner

The PINIT portable bladder ultrasound scanner is designed for carrying out non-invasive bladder volume content measurement, basic exams and urinary organs and tracts measurement. It provides volume and anatomic measurement of organs such as kidneys, papilloma, testes, prostate gland, etc., and features easy and convenient touch-screen operations for measurement and control.
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Ultrasound System

The SPINEL II universal ultrasound system features multi-frequency ultrasound probes from 2 MHz to 15 MHz and offers multi-operating diagnostic modes, such as 2D, B+B, 4B, ZOOM, M, 2D+M. 2D+PW (Pulse Wave Doppler; Color Doppler: 2D+CF (Color Flow); and 2D+ PF (Power Flow). It comes with a full HD panoramic 21.5-inch LED monitor, functional desktop and alphanumeric keyboard on drawer system and is suitable for a wide range of applications.
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Portable Ultrasound Scanner

The EPIDOT SC portable ultrasound scanner features integrated multi-frequency probes from 2 MHz to 15 MHz, supported by multiple operating modes, including B, M, PW Doppler, color Doppler and power Doppler. It comes with a 15-inch high-resolution flat LCD monitor with touch screen, and a remote controller for operating basic functions from a distance, making it idle for use in emergency and treatment rooms as well as during standard ultrasound exams.
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Diagnostic Scanner
ALBIT Duplex

The ALBIT Duplex is designed as a simple and effective scanner for general imaging, as well as specific applications. Key features include touch screen technology, remote operation controller, and a user-friendly image grid and adjustable roll stand.
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