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LMT Lammers Medical Technology

LMT Lammers Medical Technology

Manufactures MRI compatible life sustaining equipment, including MRI Diagnostics Incubator System, MRI compatible ventilation, MRI compatible monitoring, MRI compatible gas and power supply as well as coils for imaging neonates and adults (MRI, MRS, fMRI)
Products Summary

About LMT Lammers Medical Technology

Year of Establishment: 2001
Manufactures MRI compatible life sustaining equipment, including MRI Diagnostics Incubator System, MRI compatible ventilation, MRI compatible monitoring, MRI compatible gas and power supply as well as coils for imaging neonates and adults (MRI, MRS, fMRI)

Recently updated

Body Array Coil
12-Channel Body Array Coil 1.5 / 3.0 T

The 12-Channel Body Array Coil 1.5 / 3.0 T, consisting of two elements, can be used separately or together as appropriate. It enables high-resolution MR imaging of the body of newborns and premature babies, with a weight of up to approximately 4.5 kg.
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Head Array Coil
16-Channel Head Array Coil 1.5 / 3.0 T

The MR Diagnostics nomag IC Advanced comprises a dedicated head coil that allows for the precise recording of the brain. It enables high-resolution MR brain scans of new and premature-born babies up to three months with a head circumference of approximately 42cm.
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MR Diagnostic Incubator
nomag IC Advanced

nomag IC Advanced is an MR diagnostic incubator system that allows premature babies and unstable newborns to be transported directly from the NICU into the MR suite for examination by optimal, non-invasive MRI. It is compatible with the devices of the leading MRT manufacturers and can be easily attached to the corresponding MR devices.
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Critical Care

MR Diagnostic Incubator
nomag IC Advanced

nomag IC Advanced is an MR diagnostic incubator system that allows premature babies and unstable newborns to be transported directly from the NICU into the MR suite for examination by optimal, non-invasive MRI. It is compatible with the devices of the leading MRT manufacturers and can be easily attached to the corresponding MR devices.
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Medical Imaging

Body Array Coil
12-Channel Body Array Coil 1.5 / 3.0 T

The 12-Channel Body Array Coil 1.5 / 3.0 T, consisting of two elements, can be used separately or together as appropriate. It enables high-resolution MR imaging of the body of newborns and premature babies, with a weight of up to approximately 4.5 kg.
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Head Array Coil
16-Channel Head Array Coil 1.5 / 3.0 T

The MR Diagnostics nomag IC Advanced comprises a dedicated head coil that allows for the precise recording of the brain. It enables high-resolution MR brain scans of new and premature-born babies up to three months with a head circumference of approximately 42cm.
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MR Diagnostic Incubator
nomag IC Advanced

nomag IC Advanced is an MR diagnostic incubator system that allows premature babies and unstable newborns to be transported directly from the NICU into the MR suite for examination by optimal, non-invasive MRI. It is compatible with the devices of the leading MRT manufacturers and can be easily attached to the corresponding MR devices.
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