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Allengers Medical Systems manufactures medical diagnostic equipment such as X-ray systems, DR systems, DSA systems, C-arms, cathlabs, remote controlled RF tables, mammography, lithotripters, OPG, MPM, ECG, EEG, EMG, PSG, etc. Its products are used in medical applications such as radiology, cardiology, orthopedics, gastroenterolog ...
Products Summary


Allengers Medical Systems manufactures medical diagnostic equipment such as X-ray systems, DR systems, DSA systems, C-arms, cathlabs, remote controlled RF tables, mammography, lithotripters, OPG, MPM, ECG, EEG, EMG, PSG, etc. Its products are used in medical applications such as radiology, cardiology, orthopedics, gastroenterology, urology, neurology, software, etc.

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Treadmill Test (TMT) System

The GEMINI treadmill test system is used for cardiac stress testing and offers adjustable speed and incline settings, ensuring an accurate assessment of heart function and cardiovascular health in patients. It is primarily used in hospitals, cardiology clinics, and physician practices for monitoring the electrocardiographic data of patients during exercise.
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Mobile Cath Lab
Photon F65/F80

The Photon F65/F80 mobile cath lab provides a high-definition digital image acquisition, processing, and review system for cardiac procedures, encompassing multiple applications in one system. With advanced imaging capabilities, it offers mobility and flexibility in performing heart catheterization and peripheral vascular imaging in various clinical settings.
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Portable ECG Holter System

The PISCES HL-03 is a portable ECG Holter system designed for continuous heart monitoring and offers 3-channel recording with an impressive 72-hour continuous recording. It features user-friendly software for data analysis and is ideal for diagnosing arrhythmias and other heart conditions while ensuring full patient mobility during recording.
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Critical Care

Portable ECG Holter System

The PISCES HL-03 is a portable ECG Holter system designed for continuous heart monitoring and offers 3-channel recording with an impressive 72-hour continuous recording. It features user-friendly software for data analysis and is ideal for diagnosing arrhythmias and other heart conditions while ensuring full patient mobility during recording.
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12 Channel ECG Machine

The PISCES 12-channel ECG machine is designed to record the standard 12-lead resting ECG with 3/6 channel formats and detect cardiac (heart) abnormalities by measuring the electrical activity generated by the heart. It comes with a 5” TFT color display to ensure clear and reliable traceouts, which are also visible on 106mm X 20M paper printouts.
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Multiparameter Monitor
Libra 10

The Libra 10 is a highly accurate, consistent, convenient, and simple-to-use bedside multiparameter monitor that offers a 10” screen that displays 8-channel high-resolution waveforms. It provides vital information to serve a wide of parameters like ECG, SPO2, NIBP, etc. and is also available with a central monitoring station for continuous monitoring of vital sign parameters of critical patients.
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Polysomnograph Machine

The VIRGO-SL polysomnograph (PSG) machine provides a wide range of inputs up to 40 channels, including 24 EEG, 2 EOG, ECG, EMG, and a built-in pulse oximeter with SpO2. It also offers heart rate, body position sensor, two effort inputs (abdominal & thorax), limb movement, nasal/oral airflow/pressure, snoring, and four auxiliary channels.
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EEG System
Neuro PLOT

The Neuro PLOT EEG system is an advanced digital signal processing and brain mapping device designed to acquire, store, and transfer biophysical parameters to EEG machines. It assists in the diagnosis of neurological and sleep disorders, measurement and display of cerebral activities for EEG and sleep studies.
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Electroencephalograph (EEG) Machine

The Virgo electroencephalograph (EEG) machine is designed to acquire, store, and transfer biophysical parameters to EEG machines for the purpose of assisting the diagnosis of neurological and sleep disorders, measurement, and display of cerebral activities for EEG and sleep studies. This data acquired using digital signal processing and brain mapping technique may be used by clinicians for studying sleep disorders, epilepsies, and other related disorders as a diagnostic tool.
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Bedside Multiparameter Patient Monitor

Libra is a highly accurate, consistent, convenient and simple to use bedside multiparameter patient monitor that comes with a 12-inch screen which displays 8 channel high-resolution waveforms. It provides vital information on a wide of range of parameters such as ECG, SPO2, NIBP and is also available with a central monitoring station for continuous monitoring of vital sign parameters of critical patients.
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Bedside Multi-Parameter Monitor

Brio is a highly accurate, consistent, convenient and simple to use bedside multi-parameter monitor that provides vital information on a wide range of parameters such as ECG, SPO2, NIBP, etc. It features a 12-inch interactive touch screen high resolution color display with 12 waveforms and is also available with central monitoring station for continuous monitoring of vital sign parameters of critical patients.
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12-Lead Resting ECG Machine

PISCES 12 Ch is designed to record the standard 12-lead resting ECG with 3, 6, 12 multiple Channel formats and detects cardiac (heart) abnormalities by measuring the electrical activity generated by the heart. It comes with a 7-inch TFT color display to ensure clear and reliable ECG trace outs, which are also visible on A4 size printouts.
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Hospital Infrastructure

Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System (HMS)

The Allengers Hospital Management System (HMS) or Hospital Information System (HIS) is designed for paperless hospital management and time-saving by consolidating a hospital’s entire resources into a single software system. Designed for the management of clinical as well as other multidisciplinary and back-office activities, it is available in a fully configured, advanced web-based modular or complete package with the exceptional capability of anywhere and anytime log-in facility, patient record management, and emergency handling.
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Medical Imaging

Mobile Cath Lab
Photon F65/F80

The Photon F65/F80 mobile cath lab provides a high-definition digital image acquisition, processing, and review system for cardiac procedures, encompassing multiple applications in one system. With advanced imaging capabilities, it offers mobility and flexibility in performing heart catheterization and peripheral vascular imaging in various clinical settings.
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Fixed X-Ray System
MARS 15-80

The MARS 15-80 fixed X-ray system delivers high-quality imaging for diagnostic purposes, and comes with various combinations of tube stands and examination tables for various profiles and application needs. It features advanced technology for precise imaging and is designed to meet the demanding needs of healthcare facilities.
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Portable HF X-Ray Machine

PORTX is an ultra lightweight and powerful portable general-purpose radiography machine that is designed especially for field practitioners as well as a backup X-ray machine for use in medical clinics/hospitals. Radiographs can be taken on film cassettes as well as on CR cassettes and detectors with its portability feature making it suitable for bedside X-ray examination of patients in wards, intensive care units, operation theaters, and home care.
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Remote Controlled DR/Fluoroscopy System

The ANGIO VISION 9090 remote-controlled RF system combines flexibility with advanced engineering, setting new standards for diagnostic image quality. It provides practitioners with an effective diagnostic tool, making the task easy, effortless, and hygienic for both patient and practitioner with a host of special features.
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CBM X-Ray System
100 SR

The 100 SR is a Counter Balanced Mobile (CBM) X-Ray system that features articulated tube head arms that provide flexibility in positioning, ensuring precise imaging across various patient postures. The system features live voltage indication and displays for kVp and mAs, enhancing operational safety and accuracy. Its compact and mobile design allows for easy maneuverability within confined spaces, making it ideal for bedside imaging.
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Fixed X-Ray System (RAD)
Allengers 325 - 525

Allengers 325 - 525 are fixed analog X-ray systems designed for all general-purpose radiographic procedures. These systems come with different combinations of tube stands and examination tables for various user profiles and application needs of specialists.
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Fixed Cath Lab
Altima F80

The Altima F80 fixed cath lab uses state-of-the-art digital technology for superb performance, improved reliability, and ease of use to meet the expectations of interventionalists, providing a single solution for cardiac, vascular, and neuroimaging. It features a 55” high resolution, highly luminous colored monitor with multiple display options and offers distortion-free imaging.
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Remote Controlled Digital Radiography and Fluoroscopy System
Eco Track-DRF - MARS 50/MARS50+/MARS 65/MARS 80

The Eco Track-DRF - MARS 50 / MARS50+ / MARS 65 / MARS 80 remote-controlled digital radiography and fluoroscopy system features a high-resolution 3K x 3K dynamic and static flat panel detector. It offers auto-tracking of the tube with the detector at table bucky in horizontal & vertical positions along with auto Positioning & tracking as per APR view.
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Fixed Cath Lab Machine
Altima Adv - Allengers Pride HP

The Altima Adv - Allengers Pride HP is a fixed cath lab machine that uses state-of-the-art digital technology for superb performance, improved reliability, and ease of use. It is designed to meet the expectations of interventionalists and offers a single solution for cardiac, vascular, and neuroimaging.
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C-Arm with Image Intensifier
Image Plus LDHD - HF 49 SR / HF 49R SR

The Image Plus LDHD series of HF C-arms are specialized C-Arms with Image Intensifier featuring high-frequency generators and high-resolution monitors for optimum imaging results at low radiation. Other features include a 32” HD LED monitor with a split screen mounted on an open sleek trolley, preset image parameters setting as per application, and pulse fluoroscopy and cine loop recording.
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C-Arm with Flat Panel Detector
Digiscan S20/S30-HF 59R

The Digiscan S20/S30-HF 59R is a high-frequency C-Arm with a Flat Panel Detector (FPD) that provides better image quality at a lower dose, thanks to its higher DQE and advanced image processing. Due to its high image quality and easy maneuverability, it enhances the overall workflow of all applications.
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C-Arm with FPD
Digiscan V20 / V30

The Digiscan V20 / V30 C-Arm with Flat Panel Detector (FPD) features a touchscreen panel mounted on the horizontal carriage and is powered by Synergy FP-CR acquisition software. The system is suitable for general vascular DSA, peripheral DSA, pacemaker, gastro, ortho, spinal / neuro, and urology procedures under fluoroscopy.
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Digital Radio Fluoro System
AngioVision - MARS 65 / MARS 80

The AngioVision - MARS 65 / MARS 80 remote-controlled digital radio fluoro system is highly efficient for conducting a variety of examinations with exceptional image quality at very low doses. It can perform complete radiography and fluoroscopy with a single fixed detector and offers excellent image quality with substantial dose reduction.
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Full Field Digital Mammography System
Venus DRV / Venus DRV +

The Venus DRV / Venus DRV + full field digital mammography system with flat panel detector (FPD) offers auto release of breast compression after exposure and AEC with zero point exposure technique. It features the Integra X integrated system for exposure & image parameters control and comes with an additional reporting workstation (optional).
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C-Arm with FPD
Digiscan V20 / V30

The Digiscan V20 / V30 is a C-Arm with flat panel detector (FPD) embedded with DSA available in 21 cm x 21 cm and 30 cm x 30 cm size (as per user intended applications). Powered by Synergy FP-CR acquisition software, it is suitable for general vascular DSA, peripheral DSA, pacemaker, gastro, ortho, spinal / neuro, urology procedures under fluoroscopy.
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Digital Mammography System
Fairy DR Adv

The Fairy DR Adv is a fully motorized isocentric digital mammography system that is upgradable to 3D Tomosynthesis at site. It offers auto release of compression after exposure, automatic filter selection as per APR view and instant image display on a high resolution monitor.
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C-Arm with FPD
Digiscan Compact HF 59 Plus

The Digiscan Compact is a C-Arm with Flat Panel Detector (FPD) that provides high image quality and easy maneuverability, and come with special features such as metal detection with ABS, Dynamic Noise Filter (DNF), and selectable three dose level control. Its optimized digital SPOT algorithms produce excellent image quality at an extremely low dose because of its higher DQE and advanced image processing.
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Digital Radio Fluoroscopy System

The AngioTAB DRF is a truly dual capability digital radiofluoroscopy system with a single fixed detector that designed to conduct a variety of examinations with exceptional image quality at very low dose. It offers head-to-toe coverage with remote and tableside control, advanced pre and post-processing features, and a wide range of configurations and clinical applications.
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Mobile DR System
Litex DR

Litex DR is a mobile digital radiography system based on high-frequency X-ray generation technology that features a very compact, lightweight design, enabling it to be taken through elevators with ease. Litex DR is most suitable for applications where ease of mobility and instant imaging is required such as in trauma cases, bedside X-ray in hospital wards and ICUs.
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Digital Radiography System
Digix-U/Digix-U Adv-MARS 15-80

The Digix-U/Digix-U Adv MARS 15 – 80 digital radiography systems with universal U-Arm stand are specialized models for general and specialized radiography applications. These systems are available with single detector for all exposures on a patient standing, laying on a table or sitting on a chair.
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Fixed DR Retrofit Kit
Smart DR

Smart DR is a fixed digital radiography retrofit kit to convert existing X-ray film/CR X-ray systems to full room digital radiography systems with minimum disruption to work. Smart DR provides high patient throughput, enabling enhanced and efficient work-flow to serve a greater number of patients.
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Digital Radiography System
Digix ECO Plus

Digix ECO Plus is an economical series of digital radiography systems that are specialized models for general radiographic applications. These systems are available with the x-Ray tube head mounted on a ceiling free stand, a single detector embedded in the moveable detector stand housing, mobile table, and high-frequency X-ray generator (as per user intended applications).
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Ceiling Suspended Cath Lab
Proxima CS

The Proxima CS Ceiling Suspended Cath Lab combines optimum image quality and dose reduction capabilities with a revolutionary gantry that provide clinicians the flexibility they need to enable a wide range of procedures. It features a robust 100 KW, dual inverter X-ray generator and next generation New Synergy Acquisition software for low dose imaging.
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Digital Mammography System
Fairy DR 3D Mammography

The Fairy DR 3D Mammography is a full field digital mammography system with 3D Tomosynthesis for high diagnostic accuracy. It enables faster detection without the traditional distortion and shadowing, along with improved imaging for large dense breast tissue.
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Mobile X-Ray
Mars 15 - 30 KW Mobile X-Ray

The Mars 15 - 30 KW Mobile X-Ray is based on HF-X Ray generation technology and ensures elimination of motion artifacts due to lower exposure time (excellent film quality). Compact, lightweight and easy to move with a small footprint, it offers substantially lower exposure factors due to high frequency.
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Mammography System

The FAIRY DRV full field digital mammography system features auto release of breast compression after exposure and AEC with zero point exposure technique. It comes with Integra X integrated system for exposure & image parameters control, DICOM 3.0 connectivity and additional reporting workstation (optional).
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Digital Radiography System
Digix FDX

The Digix FDX diagnostic digital radiography system features a fully-motorized 3D ceiling suspended stand with auto tracking facility of tube for the table & vertical bucky. It has a digital touch display on the tube stand for various parameters selection and offers a preview image in less than five seconds.
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The MEGA PIXEL C-Arm image intensifier (modular) is loaded with multi-functional features for diverse application needs and is almost close to zero leakage radiation in a C-Arm machine. Powered by a 1K X 1K imaging system, it features a specialized synergy platform and image processing software with real time image capturing, storage and display capabilities.
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Radiography & Fluoroscopy System

The ANGIO TAB DRF 9030 is a remote controlled radiography and fluoroscopy system featuring a single dynamic fixed detector with a high DQE and FOV of 17 x 17 inches. It delivers excellent image quality with substantial dose reduction, offers advanced pre and post processing features, and provides a wide range of configurations and clinical applications.
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Mammography System

The VENUS / VENUS+ mammography system (analog) allows for auto selection of radiographic factors as per the patient’s anatomy in order to save time, eliminate retakes and lower the dose. An AEC monitors the X-rays transmitted through the breast to increases diagnostic capability, while its solid state detector ensures accuracy and exposure consistency.
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Mobile X-ray Machines
MARS 3.5/4.2/6/6R

The MARS 3.5/4.2/6/6R mobile X-ray machines are based on the HF X-ray generation technology which offers more advantages over the conventional two pulse technology. They are ideal for applications where ease of mobility is required, such as in trauma cases and bedside X-rays in hospital wards and ICUs.
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Analog X-ray Systems
X-RAY 325 / 525

The X-RAY 325 / 525 are analog X-ray systems for all general purpose radiographic / fluoroscopic procedures. These systems come with various combinations of tube stands and examination tables for different user profiles and application needs of specialists.
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Mobile DR System

The RollXDR is a mobile digital radiography system based on HF X-Ray generation technology that performs swift examinations and produces high definition digital images within seconds after exposure. The compact, light weight system and can be taken through elevators with ease, making it suitable for applications where ease of mobility is required such as trauma cases and bed side X-rays in hospital wards and ICUs.
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Digital Radiography Systems

The DIGIXeco series of digital radiography systems are available with the X-ray tube head mounted on a ceiling free stand, a single detector embedded in the detector stand housing, mobile table and high frequency X-ray generator. A versatile detector stand with inbuilt FPD/Wi-fi FPD enables all types of radiographs using a mobile table, while contrast enhanced digital image processing ensures enhanced details and overcoming of errors in exposure factor selection.
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DRF System
Allengers DRF

The Allengers DRF system comes with a single detector for radiography and fluoroscopic examinations, and uses dynamic flat panel technology to deliver uniform high resolution and high contrast image quality. An active size of 43 cm x 43 cm ensures full coverage of the patient’s anatomy without the need for mechanical movements or re-positioning the patient during examination.
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Mammography System

The FAIRY DR full field digital mammography system with flat panel detector (FFDM) features a unique design to ensure that the technologist is never far from the patient when operating the machine. It offers motorized gantry movements for quicker positioning and operator convenience without the need to reposition the patient.
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HF49 R

The HF49 R 6KW C-Arm features High Frequency Technology (40 KHz) for minimal production of non-useful/harmful X-rays, along with back-up circuitry for enhanced performance and reliability. It comes with a touch control panel for easy operation and disinfection, and uses Automatic Brightness Stabilizer (ABS) to deliver the best images.
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Mobile DR System

The MobilX battery-powered, motor-assisted mobile DR system offers noise free movements and comes witha telescopic swivel tube arm, separate power pack for X-ray generator, 17-inch touch screen and console PC. It is suitable for hospitals where mobile radiographs are performed on pediatric / adult patients who are incapable of being moved or are difficult to move.
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DR System

The DIGIX – CSA (ADV) series of digital radiography systems features a manual / fully motorized 3D ceiling suspended stand with/without auto tracking facility for table & vertical bucky, high resolution detector, and DICOM 3.0 connectivity. The systems are available with single detector / dual detector options as per user intended applications, and includes specialized models for general and specialized radiography applications.
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Patient Care

Treadmill Test (TMT) System

The GEMINI treadmill test system is used for cardiac stress testing and offers adjustable speed and incline settings, ensuring an accurate assessment of heart function and cardiovascular health in patients. It is primarily used in hospitals, cardiology clinics, and physician practices for monitoring the electrocardiographic data of patients during exercise.
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Polysomnograph Machine

The VIRGO-SL polysomnograph (PSG) machine provides a wide range of inputs up to 40 channels, including 24 EEG, 2 EOG, ECG, EMG, and a built-in pulse oximeter with SpO2. It also offers heart rate, body position sensor, two effort inputs (abdominal & thorax), limb movement, nasal/oral airflow/pressure, snoring, and four auxiliary channels.
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Electromyography (EMG) Machine

Allengers Scorpio Electromyography (EMG) machine is designed using state-of-art digital technology that offers physicians greater flexibility in recording and interpreting EMG, finding diseases that can damage muscle tissue, nerves, or the junctions between nerve and muscle (neuromuscular junction). It is capable of performing EMG / EP / NCS /AUTONOMIC studies and offers simultaneous display of 2/4 channel EMG acquisition.
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Holmium Surgical Laser System

The BLAZE-Prime Holmium surgical laser system is used to generate laser beam for lithotripsy and HoLEP and features an advanced compressor based turbo cooling system to enhance the laser beam quality and efficiency. It comes with advanced long pulse laser with a super imposed modulated pulse to minimize retropulsion and enhance the ablation rate.
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Surgical Laser System
Blaze Holmium

Blaze Holmium is the latest generation surgical laser system for lithotripsy with variable pulse width and a large dynamic power range that makes procedures faster and precise. It is equipped with an advanced Dual Chiller System which controls the temperature, making it one of the best lasers, especially for long duration procedures, even at high ambient temperatures.
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